
James 4:13-17
Living Like an Atheist

The Sin of Assumption (vv. 13-14)

  1. The myth of tomorrow
  2. The mistiness of time

The Sin of Arrogance (vv. 15-16)

  1. Surrender unto the Lord
  2. Swagger in front of the Lord

The Sin of Apathy (v. 17)

  1. Sins of commission
  2. Sins of omission


More to Consider

On one of his European tours, the master magician and locksmith Harry Houdini found himself locked in by his own thinking. After he had been searched and manacled in a Scottish town jail, the old turnkey shut him in a cell and walked away. Houdini quickly freed himself from his shackles and then tackled the cell lock. But despite all his efforts, the lock wouldn't open. Finally, ever more desperate but completely exhausted, he leaned against the door--and it swung open so unexpectedly that he nearly fell headlong into the corridor. The turnkey had not locked it. 

Harold Kellock, Houdini.

 Sure, you believe in God. But does the way you live reflect that belief? Too often, Christians seem more like atheists because they live as if God doesn't really exist - despite saying that they believe in Him. God wants more from you than just belief. He wants you to act on your faith by living it out in every part of your life. That's the only way you can grow closer to God and let others know that your faith is real, so they'll be inspired to seek God themselves.

Craig Groeschel


As Leonard Ravenhill once put it: “Many believers live as if this world were a playground instead of a battleground.”

It is time to stop living and thinking like pagans and start acting and believing like sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Bill Muehlenberg, Christians Living Like Atheists: Where are the Warriors?